Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I've gotten several rides in since our jump school, but no chance to lunge her over a jump yet.  We cantered a few times with improvement on the left lead.  I found that she is much better about cantering after doing some lateral work.

This week she is a bit stocked up with all the mud we have here, so I chose to lunge instead of ride on Tuesday.  She cantered beautifully on the lunge to the LEFT and on the LEFT lead only.  After lunging I did a few stretches to the right and found that she has adequate range of motion to get the right lead.  She will also do a flying lead change when cantering left onto the right lead if she is off balance.  However, she is very reluctant to pick up the right lead.  I have a little more luck under saddle. 

I know most horses have one lead that is difficult, especially green horses, but when do you worry about missing the lead or start correcting for the wrong lead?

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